In Moby Dick, the whale is attempting to destroy the ship of the harpoon-wielding protagonist, Captain Ahab, who is in turn determined to destroy the whale. A sea battle ensues with grisly goings on and drama aplenty. This slot has an entertaining environment; a fanciful setting of buccaneering, peril and new discoveries.

Type:                                     Slot

Provider:                             Microgaming

Theme:                                Pirates

Lines:                                   3

Reels:                                   5

Paylines:                             25

Jackpot:                              250000

RTP:                                     96.15%

Min. Coin Size:                   0.01

Max. Coin Size:                  50

Min. Coin Size per line:    0.01

Max. Coin Size per line:   5

Free Spins:                     Yes

Bonus Game:                No

Multiplier Symbol:        No

Scatter Symbol:            Yes

Wild Symbol:                Yes

Gamble Feature:          Yes

Progressive Jackpot:   No

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